Sinhalese Typing

English to Malayalam Converter
Type in English Press Space bar to Get in Sinhalese
Total Words: 0 Total Characters: 0 Characters (Ex. Space): 0

Suggestion Word Appears Here!

Learn Sinhalese Typing in Minutes. Its very easy and simple to type in Sinhalese using unicode. Just type the text in English in the given box and press space, it will convert the text in Sinhalese. Click on a typed word to see more options related to Sinhalese langauge. To switch between Sinhalese and English use ctrl + g and vice versa.

Now copy the  typed Sinhalese text and use it anywhere on emails, chat, facebook, twitter or any website. It's a Free Sinhalese Type Software. 

Sinhalese Type Software also provide suggestion words so you can type Sinhalese easily. The auto complete feature saves lots of time in Sinhalese typing. It's the simple tool for who wants to type in Sinhalese without learn Sinhalese typing.

This a Free online Sinhalese typing tool for type Sinhalese anytime you want it's availbe free and 24*7. The software converts english to Sinhalese in unicode font so you can use resultant text any where from Facebook, twiter, comments, emails, MS- word etc. It's very important to type in Sinhalese onine because we can express our self best with Sinhalese language that is not possible with English.